As the two older ladies sat talking about anything and everything, a young man approached them. In his mid 20's, well kept, walking with confidence and a smile he asked them, "can i please get you some more coffee?" They nodded in approval as he filled there glasses, as he was filling there cups, conversation was stopped and there eyes were fixated on the man in front of them, "who is this man they thought"? Catching a glimpse of his name tag it read "Stephen", he finished filling there cups and moved on to the next table in the small mom and pops restaurant. There was something different about him, as his face was as bright as an angel, the sincerity in his voice and earnesty to serve them. They continued there conversation but continually kept an eye on this young man as he served the people, they couldn't figure it out, but there was something different about him.
Stephen finished his shift around 4 pm that afternoon. He left without a paycheck, he didn't go hang out with his friends, he didn't go to the local pub, he went straight home where he dropped to his knees and prayed, "Father, thank you for using me today. You see my heart and you know my motives. Let your kingdom come and your will be done in my life today, i pray you give me grace as I follow the steps your directing for me. AMEN" He got up off his knees where he walked down to the local market to prepare dinner for the evening, as he walked he saw a crippled man begging for bread, Stephen was moved with compassion as with out hesitation he told the man about what Jesus Christ had done for him, then, laying his right hand on the mans head Stephen said "be healed in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ." The man was instantly healed and believed, he had dinner with Stephen that night and was given the good news that he was yet to live in.
I see this being a normal day for the servant Stephen in Acts 6. Stephen performed miracles, he saw people healed, he preached the Gospel and he waited tables. Wait, he waited tables? Stephen was the 1st person we see in the Bible who's sole responsibility was being a servant of food. But one thing i love is that waiting tables was his job,but it did not limit him to what God wanted to do in his life and through his life. Serving tables was his Job, serving God was his life. Without even it being his "calling" Stephen was one of the greatest preachers, evangelist, and Deacons in his time.
Studying Acts ch. 6 I ran across a crazy fact, Stephen was a Deacon! We get the word Deacon from the Greek word Diakonas which actually translates into "servant of Food". Which is crazy because in the modern church we think of the Deacon as somebody directly under the pastor. That is the actually definition for it. We learn in 1 Tim. 3 the requirements for becoming a Deacon. I love how the Deacon is "serving" the people in Ministry.
What is your calling? Preacher, worship leader, manager at a retail store, server, etc. What are you doing with it? Stephens calling was a server, but he didn't limit himself to his "title". Stephen waited tables, and Stephen moved mountains! But one thing that Stephen did was serve, we are all called to serve people and serve God no matter what our "title" is. When you do these 2 things, God gives you grace. We hear of Grace for the 1st time in Acts 6 referring to Stephen. When something is mentioned for the 1st time there is great significance to it, so i am thinking Grace goes hand in hand with serving!
Do you need Grace? We all do, its how we accomplish things that seem impossible. Where ever your at in this season of your life, do 2 things, serve God and serve people. See what happens! You might be called to be a Waiter, but dont let that limit you from being one of the greatest preachers of your time. You might be called to managing a store, but dont let that limit you from having an amazing healing ministry. 1 cor. 10:31 "whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
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